"Just the Truck"

One day rental • $750

Rent Mean Joe in his true state, a beautiful piece of vintage auto history. This rental is for those customers looking to add a vintage prop to their next event. The truck cab and bed can be decorated however you seem fit. Includes local delivery.


Truck + 2 Taps

One day rental • $900

Mean Joe setup as a 2 tap beer truck. The beer taps are run through jockey boxes so you can be assured you will have ice cold, foam free beer each and every pour. The truck can be setup self serve or act as a bar back for bartenders. Includes local delivery.


Each Additional 2 Taps


For each additional 2 taps added to Mean Joe, we charge $150 per two taps. So if you'd like 4 taps you are looking at $1400, 6 taps is $1550, and so on. The maximum amount of taps Mean Joe can handle is 14 taps.


For reservations or information:

Call/Text: 408-647-6861
Email: hello@meanjoebeertruck.com


A NOTE ABOUT Delivery:

All bookings include local delivery. Local delivery covers 15 miles, each way. For rentals further than 15 miles, we charge $2 per mile, each way. For all non-local deliveries, Mean Joe will be towed to the rental location. Need us to make a long-haul (over 100 miles each way)? Message us to discuss options!